Thursday, November 19, 2015

The God Project {Personal Art Pieces}

I am so proud of this work! I feel like I must post it on my blog. This was my last photography project at BYU, before I graduated. From where I started, I can hardly believe I actually did this!

Artist Statement:
Throughout the course of my life, I have had an evolving relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth. As with any relationship, it has its moments of ups and downs. The difference, between such a relationship and any other one experienced on Earth, is the fact that it is between ourselves and a Being whose existence is questioned everyday. Sometimes that leads to inner turmoil. Using myself as an example, I decided I wanted to explore and expose the bond I have shared with such a being.

I began by rereading my journal entries and whenever I mentioned God, I took note of it. This body of work contains a few of those entries alongside an image that references the relationship by using light and darkness. Using light to represent the Lord, I tried to mimic the emotions felt. After all, we, as human beings, are the ones choosing to either sit in the dark or reside with the Light. 

"I have seen what the world can do to people when things go wrong, and I am determined to not let the world decide how I am going to be... I stand in awe over what the Lord has done for me. My strength comes from the Lord, because He gave me power to overcome all things." -T.H.

"There are few moments, but they are there, where I feel at peace with everything consisting of my life. I love God, and I know that He is real. I definitely do not understand all that is going on in my life or why I have to experience it, but I trust the Lord and His Will."

"I'm not that strong... why was God doing this to us? To me? I've done everything He asked!! And here He takes so much away. My husband tells me not to blame God for this, that I need to pray and have faith. But my heart and head are overflowing nowadays with grief... I probably shouldn't blame God for this, but I cannot help but feel betrayed." 

"What had I done to deserve something like this?! Had I not woken up for six am seminary every day? Had I not been a good enough friend to someone? Had I not been married in the temple? Had I not kept my covenants, prayed, fasted, and searched the scriptures? It just doesn't make sense, and somedays, I can't handle it. Why me? I truly can't believe God is making me go through this, I honestly am so bitter."

"I have been so angry lately that I have lost who I am. I suppose I identify myself as a follower of Christ, but my faith has been lacking. Oh God, help me... This burden I wish upon no one. I need my Savior, I need my Lord. He is the only one that can get me out of my dark hole."

I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and of the Restoration of His Gospel. I know that hard times are hard, but I know the Lord gave us the strength to bear them. If you have questions concerning your life and the hardships you face, I encourage you to pray and maybe search I know I've found many different answers in different places, but those two seem to give me the most guidance. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Makayla {Senior Session}

Another sister graduates this year! Woot woot! We had so much fun shooting these pictures. I had 

such a hard time picking out a few favorites. This girl is going places, she's amazing. She's so 

considerate and sweet. I can't believe how polite and fun she is; come stay with me in Washington

again anytime!! She's a true beauty and pleasure to be around!

Personal {Personal Family Session}

So I tried to do my own family portraits before I left Utah. Let me just say, taking one's own family 

pictures is way harder than it seems. I don't know how often I will end up doing it, but I did like a few

of the images I captured. 

Durfee {Personal Session}

I finally got to go to North Dakota again. I haven't been there since the week before my wedding. I 

begged my Uncle to let me take his picture with his little family, and he finally let me. I couldn't get 

a lot of pictures due to the mosquitoes, but I love the pictures I did get. My uncle is such a strong 

individual. This last year he was in a major motorcycle/car accident. Thankfully and miraculously,

 he survived. However, it has been a hard year in recovery as he lost his leg in the accident. His 

strength and perseverance throughout this whole circumstance as been nothing less than 

awe-inspiring. I love this man and his little family. Dogs included!

If you would like to help Shawn with this huge life-changing event. He has a GoFundMe Account! I 

encourage any, who can, to please help this wonderful man out. 

Hinton {Family Session}

I have had the privilege of taking my sister-in-law's family pictures for the last three years! She was 

the very first person to let me take their pictures. This family seriously helped me develop as a

photographer. Can't thank them enough for enduring with me as I grew into a better photographer 

over the years! 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sadie {Toddler Session}

Took this cutie's photographs before the big move out to Washington. She has quite the spunk!

I loved being able to capture her personality!